Logo de l'Institut Vajra Yogini

A seed supply for birds

Over time, the Institute has become an island of refuge for many birds. We feed them in the winter in the coldest periods. You can participate by funding their food.

A statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

Help us to acquire a 45 cm high Buddha statue in copper and gold. This statue will be placed in the future altar of the small gompa (altar in progress by Marcel).

Biodiversity and forest garden project

Period of this phase: 2022-2023 For the past few years, Institut Vajra Yogini has been rethinking the ecological design of its spaces. In the continuity of this process, we have thought about the development of a new area on the south side, dedicated to biodiversity. Several earthworks have been planned for the area. We use […]

Help Benza

Benza, the Institute’s cat, suffers from calicivirus and cat AIDS… After having had part of her teeth removed last year, she is still suffering from these two incurable diseases for which there is no vaccine. So we have to take her to the vet every month, without fail, for an injection of Solensia to soothe […]

Major works at the Institute

PHASE 1: (IN PROGRESS) https://youtu.be/jbUv-duLDoM PMR rooms (disabled access) on 1st floor PMR access to dining room Elevator FINANCING : by bequests to IVYES, by monthly donations for work carried out over the past few years. through one-off donations DONATIONS : Make a donation To set up a recurring transfer: write to compta@institutvajrayogini.fr PHASE 2 […]

Renovate the lighting of Tara Khang

In 2021 we were able to redo the ceilings and install beautiful lighting for the large gompa. The next step is to renovate the ceiling and lighting of Tara Khang (the west wing), which hosts the annual retreat of 108 Nyoung-Nés.

Sponsor a resident student

A young woman in the kitchen at Institut Vajra Yogini

In order to encourage the realization of study projects related to the Dharma, we offer the possibility of welcoming people under the status of student-resident. These places are limited in number due to the limited number of accommodations on our site. Applicants are selected by the management committee based on their motivation. The student-resident status […]

Temple of Compassion & Thousand-Arm Chenrezig Statue

“When you offer a grain of rice to Buddha statues, stupas or scriptures, however small (…), it becomes a cause of full enlightenment, of great liberation, and by the way, it becomes a cause of liberation from samsara (…). The result can be happiness, good rebirth, hundreds or thousands of lifetimes.” Lama Zopa Rinpoche Today, […]