Vajrasattva Retreat, 6th-13th August 2022
Yangsi Rinpoche could not come this this year. He was detained in the US looking after his ailing teacher, and IVY’s former teacher, Geshe Tenzin Dorje. Never mind, Geshe Loden with long experience guided us along the path of contemplation that leads into Vajrasattva’s presence.
Was it the hottest week of the year? Never mind, Vajrasattva’s nectar cooled the heat of the afflictions, and two large coolers in our gathering place in the Bergerie did their work well too!
Accumulated negativies can sometimes weigh heavy. Never mind, thanks to the purity of Vajrasattva and the light-heartedness of Geshe-la seventy people’s hearts floated upwards in harmony. Pleasure free of
attachment is much better than pleasure mixed with attachment. Only let go of self-cherishing. Challenging words as usual.
I for one enjoyed the very good company, the very good organization, the freedom to do one of the four daily sessions unguided, in the place of one’s choice, with others or just by oneself, and also of course, the very fine cuisine.
I left feeling very appreciative.
Geshe Graham, august 2022